Thursday 22 November 2012

Creating my own converse adverts.

To shoot the images for my converse adverts I first began thinking of a slogan I could use alongside the images I brainstormed for a bit before settling on Lived in, Loved in, Laughed in. I shot images of someone in the gym for the lived in section, people kissing for loved in and two friends playing in a park for laughed in. I then did some simple editing to the images before thinking about how I could put the images into adverts I decided to use a mixture of photoshop editing aswell as creating my own backgrounds, typography and different types of framing for the images.

Here are the items I created and scanned in-
And these are some of the adverts I created using a mixture of the above and photoshop work-

I think as a campaign and concept these work but I don't think in terms of photography the skills used are that brilliant. I did however have fun making these adverts and like the Ram Martinez work I created earlier its showed me different ways I can frame my images. I think that if I was able to do this for a larger project with more time and a bigger budget there's lots more interesting things I could have captured such as people at a festival or in a club with converse on, bride and groom on their wedding day, man in a suit in an office with some on etc.

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