Thursday 22 November 2012

Final image.

Creating my final image.

I think the shoots I have enjoyed photographing the most have been all of my sports/action photography and that is something I will consider looking into in future project. However I do feel that the most successful of all my shoots was the make-up shoot so I have re-edited my favourite image and placed it into an advertisement.
This is a copy of the original shot with no editing-
This is after editing and airbrushing using Photoshop and a product called Portrait Professional-

I then added the Rimmel logo and a copy of the lipstick that the advert could be promoting, I felt this worked but was not that exciting-

So i then tried taking the model out of the picture and placing her on a different background I felt this worked o.k but it was very obvious I had moved the model-

I then tried adding some different shapes I felt the ones below distracted attention away from the model-

So I then added this section of red, I felt it gave something more to the advertisement without being to distracting. I think that if I was to re-shoot this I would have added the red section to the studio background when actually photographing.  However I think as a professional style image this is successful and I enjoyed creating it which is why I have chosen it as my final image for this project.

Creating my own converse adverts.

To shoot the images for my converse adverts I first began thinking of a slogan I could use alongside the images I brainstormed for a bit before settling on Lived in, Loved in, Laughed in. I shot images of someone in the gym for the lived in section, people kissing for loved in and two friends playing in a park for laughed in. I then did some simple editing to the images before thinking about how I could put the images into adverts I decided to use a mixture of photoshop editing aswell as creating my own backgrounds, typography and different types of framing for the images.

Here are the items I created and scanned in-
And these are some of the adverts I created using a mixture of the above and photoshop work-

I think as a campaign and concept these work but I don't think in terms of photography the skills used are that brilliant. I did however have fun making these adverts and like the Ram Martinez work I created earlier its showed me different ways I can frame my images. I think that if I was able to do this for a larger project with more time and a bigger budget there's lots more interesting things I could have captured such as people at a festival or in a club with converse on, bride and groom on their wedding day, man in a suit in an office with some on etc.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Converse adverts

I want to create some adverts for shoe brand so I have been looking at previous adverts for inspiration-

I think all these adverts use big slogans to make them so I will try to create my own slogan for the company.
I also really like this image I found in a magazine for Fred Perry so may try to edit my image like this to make it more interesting.

Shoe adverts

After shooting some different shots of shoes I tried to create advertisements out of them-

I liked this as an advertising campaign but I don't the actual technical photography skills in it are that brilliant.
Next I tried to create images that using a simple studio image taken at the same time as the one above that could then be used for Nike advertisements, I tried to edit them in the style of Alberto Seveso and also this image I found from DeviantArt and few other photoshop techniques I felt would be interesting-
My own images-

I think this is the most interesting image and it would be possible to use a variety of materials to make up the shoe-

Tuesday 20 November 2012

More of my own street photography.

Today when creating street photography I decided to use and idea used by Jesse Marlow in setting out to capture one particular thing. I started easy photographing people in hats and then moved on to trying to capture people holding hands.

What I liked about shooting the hat photography was the range of people I could capture and furthermore the variety of hats I tried to find people who were wearing hats for warmth, fashion, religion, and as part of their uniform. I feel that if I did not shoot enough images therefore though I feel I succseeded at completing the task I set out to do I did not create particularly thought provoking images.
I then tried to capture people holding hands, I again tried to capture a variety of images of different people.